Join us for our October Halloween Zoom Meeting
After the meeting, all members are welcome to join us for the October Board meeting of the USNA Arizona Parents Club.
Join us at:
Zoom Meeting
October 31, 2020
10:00 a.m.
This Saturday, October 31 at 10:00 AM, please join us for a Parent meeting followed by a Board meeting on Zoom. There will be new information to share with you from USNA following a virtual conference that the Board Members are participating in this week. We will also talk about the Army/Navy game, the All Academies Ball, the $25 “care package” money that went to the Arizona Mids, and more.
We usually have in person events to meet and connect with fellow Naval Academy Parents in our state. This year, we are way behind in holding a FUN event or live get together…so, being that our Zoom meeting will be on Halloween, I was hoping we could make it a little more fun and a way to continue getting to know each other…so…let us see you in your Halloween costume…OR at least decked out in your favorite Navy spirit gear! Navy parents are the best!! I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
Please note that there is Passcode for the Zoom meeting: 801880
Jill Butler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: USNA Parents' Club of Arizona Fall Meeting + Board Meeting
Time: Oct 31, 2020 10:00 AM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 1510 2294
Passcode: 801880
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Meeting ID: 874 1510 2294
Passcode: 801880
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